UPDATE: Editor-in-Chief Aspen of the Gadfly was found ice-axed in Mexico after penning a series of messages to the group chat arguing that the color grey of the eyes and wings was too muddled.
The Gadfly has descended into civil war. This conflict was started after Editor-in-Chief Purva attempted to rebrand the gadfly with an updated logo. Instead of the decadent bourgeois hex code #36a9c0, which had been used previously, Purva selected #2596be, a bold and radical option for our glorious new era.

However, there was a counter-revolution brewing. Dissident Editor-in-Chief Ashelyn derided our revolutionary color as “funky”. This is counter to the immortal science of color theory as elaborated on by Purva and we believe it to be part of a color revolution backed by Suresh Garimella.

Other Wreckers and Ultra-Gaddists have also split, forming the People’s Revolutionary Gadfly. These ultras support the unserious #ae4ffa, which must be purged from UVM in order to facilitate global gadvolution. This “People’s Revolutionary” Gadfly is blue-visionary and is part of the broader Suresh Garimella agenda to weaken and split our great publication. We call on all true supporters of the Gadfly to unite around #2596be to herald in the new era.